Our agencies

Our agencies
around the world

Our agencies

Our agencies
around the world




Soprani Engineering

Via Melchiorre Gioia 194

20125 Milano


 0039 02 66982095


The Netherlands



Altrimex Packaging Equipment B. V.

Zuiddijk 9

5705 CS Helmond

The Netherlands

 0031 492 527475

Only for stainless seamers

Smits Autopack B. V.

Mathenessestraat 35

4834 EA Breda

The Netherlands

 0031 76 5640525
 Willi Smits

Only for stainless seamers




Echazarra Envases S. A.

Calle Igarsa, 25
Poligono Industrial

28860 Paracuellos de Jarama

Madrid – Spain

 0034 916 584139